Contemporary Motor Control Models in Humans in the Light of Bernstein's Theory
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 29
The paper presents the Bernstein's five-levels model of motor control in humans (physiological levels of movement construction): A - muscle tonus, B - synergies, C - space field, D - complex motor performances and E - symbolic representations of motor performances. The level system is hierarchical, i.e. the higher levels commission the lower ones to perform some elements of more complex motor tasks; then the lower levels make a background controlling the automatisms or simple elements of a complex motor performance without engaging attention of the performer. Each level is corresponded to by a group of movements or motor actions, way of using receptors, effectors, and the structures in the central nervous system. The higher is the level, the more complex sensorimotor task it is can control. Hence, each physiological movement construction level is corresponded to by its own control model: level B - ecological Gibson's theory, level C - e.g. equilibrium point hypothesis or inverse model, level D - cybernetic models, e.g. Schmidt's scheme or forward model. Moreover, to represent the reality and to control the movements, levels A, B and C make use of the sensory code for storing and transferring information, while D and E - of the symbolic mode of movement conception. A modification of the Bernstein's theory has been proposed, namely to replace the static laminar system of motor control levels with a dynamic tile model, where the development of particular control levels proceeds gradually, first appearing new perception abilities corresponding to the successive higher level, and only then the motor ones. The assumption has been accepted that the new level can to some extent play the role of commanding level towards the lower ones, even if having formed merely some new perception abilities; just this property can be the factor drivingthe development of sensorimotor and control abilities. Besides, when explaining the growth of capabilities of a given motor control level as due to existence of a higher one, the hypothesis was put that the lower level can commission the higher one to perform some special task. So the flow of orders between the levels is not one-way up-down (like in classical Bernstein's theory), but two-way one, either up-down or down-up. When considering these questions it is worthwhile to refer them to the achievements of psycholinguistics.In conclusion, the main sphere of research in contemporary motor control science should be looking for adequate motor control
Authors and Affiliations
Wacław Petryński
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