Contemporary research directions in “Polish psychiatry” [Psychiatria Polska] on the basis of publications in the years 2010–2012. A preliminary report
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2012, Vol 46, Issue 4
Aim. An attempt to determine the main research directions currently undertaken in Polish psychiatry. Material and methods. On the basis of the last 15 issues of the bimonthly journal Polish Psychiatry it was attempted to determine the main directions of research, subjected to publications in the bimonthly journal of PTP. The research topics, their authorship and place of origin, as well as bibliometric categories of the publications were analysed. Results. Most of the works concerned the psychopathology, diagnosis and aetiology of mental disorders. There were relatively not many publications concerning pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Of the 370 authors and co-authors, the majority (70%) have published only one article in “Polish Psychiatry”. Empirical publications, especially the original ones, came mainly from academic centers. Sponsorship was rare – most often (15%) in the form of university, Ministry of Science and Higher Education and National Science Centre grants, incidentally (4%) came from pharmaceutical companies. Conclusions. At present, the empirical studies of Polish psychiatrists focus mainly on the aetiopathogenesis of psychoses (both original researches and reviews), mainly in the area of adult psychiatry.
Authors and Affiliations
Jerzy Sobański
Studenci medycyny a stygmatyzacja z powodu depresji. Część II. Autostygmatyzacja
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