Contribution of professor N .B. Vernander in creation of classification and nomenclature of soils of Ukraine
Journal Title: Історія науки і техніки: Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 1
The article reveals one of the important achievements of the national soil science in the 1930s – creation of classification and nomenclature of soils of Ukraine. With application in the study of the principles of objectivity, historicism, as well as actual historical methods (problem-chronological, personification, biographical, etc.), it was found out, new soil typology was developed based on creative developments employees Ukrainian Research Institute socialist agriculture, including Professor N.B. Vernander. In the present characterization of soil types soil formation factors, geographical factors and partly physical and chemical properties of soils are prevalent. The recommendations of scientists concerning methods of rational use and improvement of soil fertility are generalized.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Koblosh
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