Controlling the applications running on a windows system by means of android devices
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Interactiune Om-Calculator - Year 2012, Vol 5, Issue 2
This article presents an application that the authors have developed for the Android platform, which allows a user to remotely control the applications on a computer which has the operating system Microsoft Windows. There are many other applications that have similar functionalities, such as Vectir, PPT Remote, Remote presenter for Android or Tango Remote Control Media Player HD, to name a few. Our application is comprised of two main modules: the client (the application running on the user's smartphone) and the server (the application running on the computer). In addition to these, there are two means of communication between the two modules, based on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. The Android application (the client) is able to connect with any PC running a server background application. This component offers the user two screens: one that lists the available desktops and the means of communication (Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) and one that lists the applications that the user can control together with the actions available for each of them. The Desktop component (the server) contains three main modules. The Accessible Applications module keeps a list of the applications that can be accessed by the application. It gets this information from an .xml configuration file. The Running Applications module monitors the running processes in the computer. It is its role to notify the client whenever an application is started or exited. By receiving commands from the Android Component, we control applications like Microsoft Power Point and Windows Media Player. The communication consists of passing strings with a certain format between the client (the Android Component) and the server (the Desktop component). The application has been evaluated based on relevant use cases and tests, such as functionality tests, distance tests, stress tests.
Authors and Affiliations
Cristina Serban, Irina Grosu, Alexandra Siriteanu, Alexandru Averescu, Adrian Iftene
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