Cooperation of orthodontist with dental surgeon
Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2015, Vol 11, Issue 2
[b] The aim[/b] of this study was to determine the frequency ofcooperation of an orthodontist with a dental surgeon and thetype of procedures performed. Material and methods. [b]Thematerial[/b] consisted of 2254 medical records of patients aged 5to 38 years, treated in the Orthodontic Clinic SCK University ofLublin in 2011-2013. On the basis of the patient records, theage, gender, type of dentition (deciduous and permanent) anddental surgery procedures commissioned by the orthodontistPatients who had deciduous teeth extracted were qualified togroup A; Group B included patients with the treatments madeon permanent teeth; Group C was assigned to the patients whoremoved both deciduous and permanent teeth and those whounderwent dental surgery treatment other than extractions.A statistical analysis was performed using the assay for thestructure indicator. The level of significance was set at p <0.05.[b]Results[/b]. Out of 2254 patients 843 (37%) were directed toa dental surgeon. Tooth extraction accounted for 97.8% ofprocedures performed on request of an orthodontist. In groupA, persistent deciduous tooth extractions accounted for 42.7%of procedures. In Group B, 52.8% extractions of permanentteeth were conducted in order to eliminate crowding or for anorthodontic camouflage of a malocclusion. In Group C, unveilingof an impacted tooth accounted for 89.6% of the procedures.Conclusions. Cooperation with a surgeon is a permanent partof an orthodontist’s work, at whose order the most frequentlyperformed procedures included extraction of deciduous andpermanent teeth as well as unveiling of impacted teeth. (KosiorJ, Dunin-Wilczyńska I, Rahnama M, Rodak J, Gołkiewicz K.Cooperation of orthodontist with dental surgeon. OrthodForum 2015; 11: 97-105).Received: 2.03.2015Accepted: 26.06.2015
Authors and Affiliations
Julita Kosior, Izabella Dunin-Wilczyńska, Mansur Rahnama, Janusz Rodak, Katarzyna Gołkiewicz
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