Copyright Limitations and Their Impact on Copyright Enforcement in Digital Environment
Journal Title: Naukowy Przegląd Dziennikarski - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 1
Technological and scientific development that has begun at the end of the 20th century and continued throughout the beginning of the 21st, brought about changes in the everyday life, in the way people perceive the world around them as well as in the way people think. These changes further contributed to changing the manner of doing business, so the fluctuation from materialbased economy into knowledge-based economy, it self being a consequence of the fast development, further altered of the world as we knew it. Since knowledge is an immaterial, intangible asset in our present economy, it is a subject to a rather different regulation which has slowly but surely entered and tends to become predominant factor in the everyday life.
Authors and Affiliations
Elena Jankoska
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