Correlation analysis of wavefront aberrations and accommodations in myopia and hyperopia Analiza korelacyjna aberracji falowych i akomodacyjnych w krótkowzroczności i nadwzroczności
Journal Title: Pomeranian Journal of Life Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 64, Issue 1
ABSTRACT Introduction: This paper presents a comparative study of accommodation, pseudoaccommodation (PA) and higher order optical aberrations (HOAs) in children and young people with myopia and hyperopia. Materials and methods: 123 myopic eyes (mean −5.27 ±1.6 D) and 53 hyperopic eyes (mean +3.1 ±1.15 D) of 88 patients aged 5–24 (mean age 12.5 ±0.7) were examined. The parameters measured included objective accommodative response, and relative accommodation reserves. Pseudoaccomodation amplitude (PA) was determined as the difference between the calculated additional plus lens 3.0 D and the power of the minimum plus lens which allowed reading in cycloplegic conditions (1% cyclopentolate hydrochloride x 2) at a distance of 33 cm. Higher order aberrations (root mean square – RMS), vertical and horizontal trefoil, vertical and horizontal coma (coma7, coma8), and spherical aberration (SA) were also measured. Results: Objective and subjective accommodation parameters were significantly lower in myopia as compared to hyperopia, while wavefront aberrations (RMS HOA, vertical trefoil, coma7) and PA were significantly higher. Aberration and accommodation parameters were found to be differently related in myopia and hyperopia. In myopia, RMS and vertical coma were directly correlated with accommodation, while vertical trefoil and SA were directly correlated with PA. In hyperopia, vertical trefoil was directly correlated to accommodation and PA, while vertical coma was negatively correlated with PA, and horizontal trefoil and SA were negatively correlated with accommodation. Spherical aberration measured under cycloplegia correlated differently with accommodation in myopic and hyperopic patients. In myopia, no correlation with the objective accommodation response was found, while direct correlation with the PA value could be detected. Conversely, in hyperopia, a negative correlation with objective accommodation response and no correlation with PА was detected. A significantly higher value of SA in myopic patients with a broader amplitude of PA was observed. In hyperopic eyes, in contrast to myopic ones, SA was significantly decreasing, moving to negative values in high amplitude PA. Conclusions: Parameters of accommodation were decreased and HOAs, PA were increased in myopia. Accommodation and wavefront parameters exhibit different relationships with each other in myopic and hyperopic eyes. The detected features should be taken into consideration when developing correction methods which are targeted toward refractogenesis.
Authors and Affiliations
Elena Tarutta, Sona Harutyunyan, Anusch Khandzhyan, Narine Khodzhabekyan
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