Corticotomy in support of orthodontic treatment – description of a surgical procedure

Journal Title: Forum Ortodontyczne - Year 2013, Vol 9, Issue 4


Inctroduction. Corticotomy is an effective method of orthodontic treatment in adult patients described in the literature more and more frequently. In orthodontic treatment of adults, surgical support of such treatment may assist in inducing movements that normally do not occur without such support or might be very slow. Due to said technique, unnecessary or difficult movements may be avoided, which reduces the risk of complications. [b]Aim.[/b] The aim of this study is description of the surgical technique used during the corticotomy procedure as assisted orthodontic treatment.[b]Material[/b]. A 23-year-old patient with a hypoplastic maxilla in the anteroposterior and transverse planes, ambilateral partial lateral cross-bite with a tendency to pseudo mesioocclusion, and hypodontia 15, 25 and 35. [b]Description[/b] of surgical procedure. Corticotomy consists in the selective linear or spot cutting of the cortical plate of bone that surrounds a tooth, thus inducing temporary osteopenia which results in a reduction of resistance of cortical bone in the teeth undergoing orthodontic treatment. The most important factors for the technique to become successful are the right selection of patients and a careful surgical and orthodontic management. Orthodontic treatment time with this technique will be reduced to one-third the time of conventional therapy. [b]Conclusion[/b]. This study emphasizes the potential of corticotomy for the improvement of the outcome of orthodontic treatment and includes a case report. The advantages of corticotomy involve acceleration of tooth movement, shortening of orthodontic therapy time, widening of tooth arches, increasing stability after orthodontic treatment is completed and enabling the expansion of the apical base. Ponikiewska M, Żurek J, Cieślik-Wegemund M, Tarnawski M, Galwas-Żurek A. Corticotomy in support of orthodontic treatment – description of a surgical procedure. Orthod Forum 2013; 9: 297-301). Received 4.10.2013 Accepted 3.12.2013

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Ponikiewska, Jacek Żurek, Marta Cieślik-Wegemund, Michał Tarnawski, Agnieszka Galwas-Żurek


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How To Cite

Magdalena Ponikiewska, Jacek Żurek, Marta Cieślik-Wegemund, Michał Tarnawski, Agnieszka Galwas-Żurek (2013). Corticotomy in support of orthodontic treatment – description of a surgical procedure. Forum Ortodontyczne, 9(4), 297-301.