Could a heretic be a beautiful woman in Socrates of Constantinople’s and Sozomenus’s eyes?
Journal Title: Przegląd Nauk Historycznych - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 3
In their Historia Ecclesiastica Socrates of Constantinople and Hermias Sozomenus mention women of various marital and social status. We know some of their names, others are anonymous and we can only learn that they were wives, daughters, widows or virgins. Either way, they appear in the background of the historians’ narrations about the history of the Church as well as records of political events. Of all women, both Socrates and Sozomenus devoted most attention to empresses. Among them there was an exceptionally beautiful woman: Empress Justina, the wife of Valentinian I, who was, however, a follower of Arianism, so in Socrates’s and Sozomenus’s eyes she was a heretic; but can a heretic be beautiful? How was Justina presented by the aforementioned church historians? Did Socrates and Sozomenus, who, to a big extent, based his Historia Ecclesiastica on the Socrates’s work , really perceive that empress similarly. Did he intentionally introduce significant changes to the image created by his predecessor? These are the questions which the author try to answer in tthe article, especially as, despite the developing area of research concerning women in late antiquity, no scholar has addressed this issue so far.
Authors and Affiliations
Sławomir Bralewski
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