Creativity and innovation in business activity


Creativity is a human skill that allows for a different view of the world, creating new ideas, to express knowledge, diversity. The consequence of creativity is innovation. Creativity in the enterprise should be viewed through the prism of employees and their capabilities. The objective is to develop approximation assumed relationship between creativity and innovation. Theoretical considerations supported by selected results of research on innovative activity and creativity among small and medium-sized enterprises in the Carpathian mountains. The study was carried out using interview techniques and questionnaire. A diagnostic survey on creativity suggests that creativity means for the respondents most frequently openness to new ideas, striving to make changes. It is associated with creativity, openness and finding solutions. Everyone agrees that innovation is the result of creativity. Respondents said that they are working in units that are open, set to change so they can be considered, in subjective assessment, as creative. This confirms both, creativity and innovation volatility. The analysis appears to be a mismatch between the expectations of the respondents and the activities related to creativity. This is due to the low level of activities in support of creativity. A remedy may be accepting roles group relating to stimulating creativity and their own employees.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Szara


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Szara (2014). Creativity and innovation in business activity. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 24(2), 201-210.