Current issues regarding the need to train specialists in higher education establishments

Journal Title: Știința culturii fizice - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 30


The training procedures of specialists are varied in all cases, however, requiring an examination or a certificate to access the profession. The one that tends to become more prominent in the training of specialists is the University that has made special efforts to include physical education and sports in the academic community. In all European countries, the importance and the extreme need for physical education in schools is recognized as a value-based basis for performance sports. There is also a unanimous agreement on the individual objectives and the social goals to be pursued through this education, with many similarities in the content of the programs as well as in the general pedagogical concepts.

Authors and Affiliations

Vasile Triboi, Viorel Dorgan


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How To Cite

Vasile Triboi, Viorel Dorgan (2018). Current issues regarding the need to train specialists in higher education establishments. Știința culturii fizice, 1(30), 165-167.