The article analyses the notion of a keyword. Keywords of the public discourse are
chosen on the basis of questionnaires, plebiscites or on the basis of usage frequency in
newspapers. Both methods have been applied in th...
They Want to Change Us into Reliefs and Sculptures...<br/><br/>This article discusses a role of war memorials in popularizing militarism, war bravery and the idea of dying for the homeland. Following Krzysztof Varga (a w...
Roman Dmowski in 1899 went on a nine-month travel to Brazil in order to verify
the idea of New Poland and “rational colonization in the national spirit” in the Brazilian
state of Parana, advocated by Lviv emigration acti...
Poeci filozofów
Polsko-ukraińska współpraca historyków historiografii w ostatnich latach
Słowa klucze polskiego dyskursu publicznego. Słowa dnia i słowa roku
The article analyses the notion of a keyword. Keywords of the public discourse are chosen on the basis of questionnaires, plebiscites or on the basis of usage frequency in newspapers. Both methods have been applied in th...
Chcą nas zmienić w reliefy i rzeźby...
They Want to Change Us into Reliefs and Sculptures...<br/><br/>This article discusses a role of war memorials in popularizing militarism, war bravery and the idea of dying for the homeland. Following Krzysztof Varga (a w...
Mrzonki racjonalnej kolonizacji w duchu narodowym. Roman Dmowski i polska emigracja do Brazylii
Roman Dmowski in 1899 went on a nine-month travel to Brazil in order to verify the idea of New Poland and “rational colonization in the national spirit” in the Brazilian state of Parana, advocated by Lviv emigration acti...