The text is a critical attempt at getting closer to the poetics by Krzysztof Siwczyk presented in his volumes Koncentrat and Gody. The very attempt tries to touch upon a popular aesthetic tension working within the scope...
The review is a polemic with the scrutiny of a Positivist paradigm by Marian Płachecki in his Wojny domowe. Szkice z ntropologii słowa publicznego w dobie zaborów (1800–1880). Płachecki states that there was no Positivi...
In the wake of spacial turn, we are currently observing in literature a growing interest in space, of which geopoetics is one aspect. The book Geopoetyka. Związki literatury i środowiska by Anna Kronenberg was submitted...
Te author of the article reconstructs a discussion concerning a crisis of a „literary quality” within Shoah’s presentations. Initially, as a part of discussion, the literature of the Holocaust was getting closer to the f...
Sprawozdanie z seminarium Rozmowy z Diabłem (Instytut Nauk o Literaturze Polskiej im. Ireneusza Opackiego, Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice, 15 października 2015)
Coś, co wierszem się staje. O Koncentracie i Godach
The text is a critical attempt at getting closer to the poetics by Krzysztof Siwczyk presented in his volumes Koncentrat and Gody. The very attempt tries to touch upon a popular aesthetic tension working within the scope...
Głuche basso doświadczenia
The review is a polemic with the scrutiny of a Positivist paradigm by Marian Płachecki in his Wojny domowe. Szkice z ntropologii słowa publicznego w dobie zaborów (1800–1880). Płachecki states that there was no Positivi...
In the wake of spacial turn, we are currently observing in literature a growing interest in space, of which geopoetics is one aspect. The book Geopoetyka. Związki literatury i środowiska by Anna Kronenberg was submitted...
Metafora i etyka w narracjach o Holokauście. Literackość odzyskana
Te author of the article reconstructs a discussion concerning a crisis of a „literary quality” within Shoah’s presentations. Initially, as a part of discussion, the literature of the Holocaust was getting closer to the f...