Death and incurable disease as a problem in communication with patient in medical practice

Journal Title: Onkologia Polska - Year 2006, Vol 9, Issue 4


Death and incurable diseases are often the subject of fear, awe, flutter and create a lot of problems to both patients and physicians. In our analysis we tried to evidence, that this is really existing problem in the community of the future medicals and tried to find the answer why it is like this. We made our scrutiny in the group of 133 students of V and VI year of General Medicine of Wrocław Medical University. We used a form inquiring questions about the level of foundation of medical students to that kind of discourse, their awareness about this and if that is a real problem to them or not. The analysis of the results proved that about 90% of medical students do not feel prepared to confront this problem in their professional life and expect introducing to programme of study separated practicals and sacrificing to this much more attention that it is nowadays.

Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Pirogowicz, Katarzyna Hoffmann, Elżbieta Gwiazda, Eleonora Mess, Piotr Pirogowicz, Andrzej Steciwko


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How To Cite

Iwona Pirogowicz, Katarzyna Hoffmann, Elżbieta Gwiazda, Eleonora Mess, Piotr Pirogowicz, Andrzej Steciwko (2006). Death and incurable disease as a problem in communication with patient in medical practice. Onkologia Polska, 9(4), 166-171.