Death as a guide to the meaning of life

Journal Title: KONIŃSKIE STUDIA SPOŁECZNO-EKONOMICZNE - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3


Death is an obstacle to life, as it makes it impossible for man to live, and chan-ges his life into nothingness. If it is a threat, we must take it seriously and learn how to live with it. Our attitude to death is revealed in life. Through our awa-reness of the burden of finitude, we take responsibility for the purpose of ful-filling our lives. Especially, in borderline situations of desperation and hope-lessness, we ask ourselves the question why to live for, when our lives lose meaning. We gain experience of death from various sources, but the death of our loved ones touches us much deeper. We feel abandoned, because they belonged to our lives and shaped the meaning of our life. Dying is of vital im-portance not only from the point of view of our finitude, but it also leads us to evaluate how we have lived and whether it has been worth living. Life gains value the more it is represented by the presence of death and the more we become aware of it.

Authors and Affiliations

Ján Šlosiar


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  • EP ID EP492549
  • DOI 10.30438/ksse.2018.4.3.2
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How To Cite

Ján Šlosiar (2018). Death as a guide to the meaning of life. KONIŃSKIE STUDIA SPOŁECZNO-EKONOMICZNE, 4(3), 193-203.