Defining value creation in the integrated report according to the International <IR> Framework – a critical analysis
Journal Title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości - Year 2019, Vol 2019, Issue 103
The aim of the article is to demonstrate the controversy in defining the basic concepts of value creation comprised in the IIRC Guidelines and the consequences associated with it. The author analyses the concepts contained in the International <IR> Framework and explanations that can be found in the additional document Value Creation. Background Paper for <IR>. The author identifies three main problems related to the fundamental concepts: the way of defining notions related to value creation, the way of identifying the methods of measuring value creation and the issue of operationalization of the entire concept by reporting entities. According to the author, at the current early stage of development, the documents issued by the IIRC constitute rather a set of postulates on the reporting of value creation than a coherent conceptual framework. Therefore, they should not pretend to be homogeneous theoretical guidelines, such as, for example, the IFRS Conceptual Framework. The originality of the article manifests itself in the application of the rules of defining described in the bibliography in the field of logic to studying the construction of concepts proposed by IIRC, in order to demonstrate the errors and contradictions in them.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Kobiela-Pionnier
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