Deliberations on the Role of Toys in Shaping Prosocial Behaviour in Early Childhood - Educational Framework
Journal Title: Edukacja Elementarna w Teorii i Praktyce - Year 2018, Vol 13, Issue 3
The presented article focuses on the role of toys in shaping prosocial behavior in early childhood. The discussion of the topic begins with the explanation of the term “toy”, and the adoption of one particular definition for the purposes of this text. The, the article presents the situation of play and the functions of toys in the concept of social development, together with the discussion of various stages of play. The next part includes the definition of social competences in the context of undertaken considerations. It presents the relationship between play and toys and the acquisition of prosocial skills such as: sharing, cooperation, empathizing with others, showing care, etc. Cognitive and emotional determinants of prosocial behavior are also considered, including such issues as theory of mind and empathy. At the end, the article presents some scientific research that includes the concept of sharing toys as an example of prosocial behavior. The purpose of this article is to show the significant role of toys and play in the process of developing prosocial behavior and creating conditions that stimulate the development of social competences in early childhood. The importance of giving proper response to complex, often complicated social situations is a serious challenge for children, so studying and developing prosocial skills within preschool education seems particularly important. This text is of a theoretical nature, and it is a kind of introduction to further deliberations.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Pietrzak
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