Dental health practices versus oral health condition in 12-year old children from West Pomerania Region .
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2017, Vol 70, Issue 3
Introduction. The oral health condition is a result of numerous factors, and hygiene-nutrition practices play a key role in this respect. Aim of the study. The condition of health in 12-year old children from West Pomerania Region was assessed in the light of their knowledge of caries prevention and health-oriented practices. Material and method. A study covered a group of 120 children 12 years of age living in the area of Łobez. The clinical examination was performed to assess a condition of the teeth by means of caries prevalence and frequency index. The condition of the teeth was assessed according to WHO criteria by duly qualified dental surgeons. The questionnaire survey (poll) provided the data on oral health conditions and eating habits of the children concerned. Results. The caries prevalence in a group of children from the small town and rural areas was 86.7%. Almost 60% of the children required dental treatment and it applied significantly more frequently to the children from the rural areas compared to those living in the town. Nearly 2/3 children from the country needed fillings significantly more frequently compared to their peers living in town. In our study a DMFT score in the children from the small town was 2.73 whereas the children from the rural areas exhibited a DMFT score of 4.35. The caries treatment index was low and reported to be 0.38. The most common reason, 62% of cases, to report to a dentist was a need to fill a carious defect, a control visit accounted for only 29% in the 12-year old children. Conclusions. Study results prove rather poor oral health condition. The children under study were aware of the hygiene issues but this did not translate to the actual approach. It is worth recommending to extend preventive activities by the appropriate nutrition consultancy.
Authors and Affiliations
Rafał Rojek, Joanna Stachowiak-Ruda
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