Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2016, Vol 6, Issue 16
Здійснена спроба проаналізувати політику УРСР в галузі чорної металургії як фактору впливу на повсякденність робітників, пов’язану з виробництвом, в період 1950-1980-х рр. Охарактеризовано законодавчі акти, що визначали політику керівництва країни стосовно Міністерства чорної металургії та підвідомчих йому підприємств. Окрема увага приділена висвітленню навчання та підвищення кваліфікації робітників, руху раціоналізаторів та винахідників, а також соціалістичного змагання. Розглянуто нормативні документи, що встановлювали виробничі умови та оплату праці металургів. The article has tried to analyze the state policy of the USSR in the field of ferrous metallurgy through the prism of everyday life of the workers of this field who worked at the businesses located on the territory of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. First of all, the state policy is reflected in legislative acts. Characterized the acts concerned with the activities carried out by Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy and the businesses managed thereby. The government of Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic pursued the policy of technological development in industry, which is reflected in reconstruction of the existing production facilities and in construction of new ones as well as in mechanization and automation of production and in restricting labor discipline. In 1950s-1980s the state was permanently raising the wages and encouraging the workers in the form of bonuses and extra pays for creation and introduction of new equipment and advanced labor methods, for modernization of the equipment, for training other workers and upgrading their qualifications, for inventions or innovations as well as for promotion thereof. The policy of modernization of production required a considerable quantity of highly qualified personnel who could maintain new equipment. Therefore since 1950s the state embarked upon the path of improvement of the workers' professional level. New workers were trained by means of individual or brigade-type training courses organized directly at production sites or at specialized vocational institutions as well as at other training outlets. Retraining was carried out the same way, though it could be carried out at vocational colleges and affiliated retraining institutions. Mostly widespread forms of upgrading workers' qualifications were production-through-equipment courses, courses for teaching workers other professions, cross-training, target-based retraining courses, schools of advanced methods of work and schools of professional excellence. The country's government gave socialist movement an important role in improvement of the production rates. Therefore the commercial and the trade union agencies were given the assignment to form most complicated obligations and to involve more and more workers in the competition. In the framework of the strategy of modernizing industry and to manage the movement of inventors and innovators, the All-Union Community of Inventors and Innovators was created. The government's support for those movements' social prestige was carried out by means of financial and moral encouragement of the authors of inventions and innovations as well as that of the participants and the winners of socialist competition. Considered the acts that determined the conditions for adjustment of the labor mode and the off-work time. A considerable part of the laws that determined the working conditions was adopted in the late 1950s. Thus, criminal responsibility for unauthorized leave and for truancy for no apparent reason was abolished. Workers of the businesses involved in ferrous metallurgy operated by the USSR Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy were ordered to switch to the 7-hour long working-day. In the 1960s measures were taken to improve the workers' dieting conditions and to restrict labor discipline. The workers had the right to additional vacations for uninterrupted service, the right to work in more than shift, etc.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Reutskaya
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