Development stages of practical and theoretical approaches in sociology


The article is devoted to the characteristics of the three stages of the development of practice-oriented approaches in sociology and sociology of culture. At the first stage, the structuration theories that opposed the subjective-objective dualism became the key approaches. The P. Burdieu's practice theory provided an opportunity to consider the homology of social and cultural stratification, taking into account the concepts of the field, volume and structure of capital (economic, cultural, social, symbolic), habitus. This conceptual framework serves as the basis for studies of practices of cultural production and consumption. E. Giddens proposed own vocabulary, in particular, structural rules and resources, practical consciousness, discursive consciousness, reflexive monitoring of actions. He emphasizes that it is social practices that unfold in temporal and spatial routines that should be at the center of sociological research. The key figure of the second stage of practice-oriented approaches is the American social philosopher T. Schatzki. He supposed that it is the practice as nexus of doing and saying to be the basis of social ontology, and therefore the basic unit of social analysis. Based on many years of work on this issue, he offers his conceptual vocabulary, which is also suitable for operational cultural analysis. He considers the elements that are organizers of practice, that is practical understanding, teleo-affective structures, rules, generalized understanding. He also offers the concept of time-space, bundle of practice and arrangement those others. The theoretical ideas of the first and second stages of the practice theories, as well as the object-centered, relational, pragmatic approaches that are close to them, became the basis for the formation of practice-oriented research in various sociological disciplines. Practice-oriented approaches are developed in the research of organizations both at theoretical and applied levels. Practice-oriented approaches in ethnographic media studies also developed, in which new convergent media practices is understood as an element of everyday life routines.

Authors and Affiliations

Л. Г. Скокова


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How To Cite

Л. Г. Скокова (2018). Development stages of practical and theoretical approaches in sociology. Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Політологія. Соціологія. Право., 3(), 44-49.