Die katholische religiöse Lexik des Gegenwartsweißrussischen
Journal Title: Studia Białorutenistyczne - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue 12
The aim of this article is to analyze selected confessional vocabulary from the Belarusian language, with particular focus on the mechanisms of formation of lexis for the Catholic Church. It is worth noting that, as up to now, the Belarusian language offers no theological terminology, religious terms or biblical vocabulary that would be generally accepted by all Christian denominations. This is due to the coexistence in this area of various cultural orientations and Christian traditions, conditioned by the influence of the religions prevailing in neighboring countries. The research was carried out using two approaches: the sociolinguistic method, which, based on unstructured interviews and participant observation, allowed to determine which languages dominate in the religious context among the representatives of different generations; and the lexicographic treatment, which was used to extract the religious lexis of Catholics from printed and online sources, to then be compared with the vocabulary of Orthodox users of the same language. The analysis of the texts used by the Catholic Church in Belarus shows that, in terms of religious lexis, the Belarusian language used there has been strongly influenced by Polish. It seems clear that this vocabulary is rooted in the Polish language, and reflects the linguistic habits of the Catholics. The interviews conducted with young clergymen of the Catholic Church in Belarus and the representatives of the Belarusian Catholic intelligentsia prove that they are actually able to identify the vocabulary which is foreign to the Belarusian language within the religious texts. It can be assumed that, in the nearest future, the Catholic religious lexis will evolve towards unification with the vocabulary of other denominations; especially with that of the Orthodox Church, which, albeit slowly and not without difficulties, begins to implement the Belarusian language into its religious services
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Golachowska
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