Directions of activities of small and medium-sized companies in the era of globalization and integration of market economy in the light of the performed research


Nowadays, one can observe changes which occur on the market as the result of globalization and integration of market economy. The advancing processes of globalization and integration of the market force small and medium-sized companies to set up mutual co-operations with participants of market transactions. Management of companies in the era of globalization and integration of market economy becomes a very complex issue, calling for knowledge of rules, methods and marketing instruments.

Authors and Affiliations

Mariola Michałowska


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How To Cite

Mariola Michałowska (2009). Directions of activities of small and medium-sized companies in the era of globalization and integration of market economy in the light of the performed research. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 13(2), 269-278.