До питання про умови реалізації принципів виборчого права та можливість оскарження їх порушень
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2017, Vol 77, Issue 1
У статті розглянуто умови реалізації принципів виборчого права в Україні в частині можливості оскарження їх порушень. Проаналізовано правові, інституційні та процедурні гарантії забезпечення реалізації цих принципів відповідно до міжнародних стандартів. З'ясовано основні недоліки національної моделі оскарження порушень виборчих прав громадян, а також надано пропозиції щодо їх усунення. In the article were examined the conditions for realization of the principles of electoral law in Ukraine in the aspect of the possibility to appeal their, because appeal of the breaking of the election law including extraordinary parliamentary elections in 2014 based on the practice of the courts and out of court appeal breaking of the law of past election campaigns must to be analysed. The legal, institutional and procedural guarantees of realization of these principles also were analysed according to the international standards. The main disadvantag of the national model of the appeal of the breaking of the election law of citizens also were ascertained. Among the disadvantages are given below. In the Ukrainian election legislation there is the multilevel system of appeal of the breaking and protect electoral rights. The problem for the national appeal system is the lack in the election law sanctions for the breaking which have being committed before the election by candidates for deputies or parties that nominated the following candidates and other subjects of election process. International standards also indicate that the procedure of appeal should be as short as possible, especially when it comes to decisions taken before the elections. Particularly important for election rights is a possibility to appeal the results of election. The essential problem is ignoring the requirements of the law by the district election commission. They must transfer to the CEC the resolutions which were passed on the results of complaints for their publication on the official website. This fact reduces transparency procedures of administration of complaints, that mean violation an important principle of the election process. Also were suggested the decision this problems. This is the training and expertise as members of election commissions of all levels, and the judges will consider complaints related to violation of election laws, constant public control in the election process and the ability to bring to justice those responsible for offenses committed in this area, actions of election related to the protection of violated election rights committed even at the lowest level, to be open to the public. In this aspect there are great hopes for achieving "e" democracy and their gradual implementation in national electoral procedures.
Authors and Affiliations
Катерина Олександрівна Павшук
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