До питання про загальносоціальні заходи запобігання злочинності неповнолітніх як один із напрямів кримінологічної політики ФРН


Досліджено окремі аспекти загальносоціальних заходів запобігання злочинності неповнолітніх, закріплених у міжнародних нормативно-правових актах і законодавстві ФРН, з урахуванням європейських стандартів, що є пріоритетним у межах взаємодії між Україною та ЄС. Исследованы отдельные аспекты общесоциальных мер предупреждения преступности несовершеннолетних, которые закреплены в международных нормативно-правовых актах и законодательстве ФРГ, с учётом европейских стандартов, что является приоритетным в рамках взаимодействия между Украиной и ЕС. The author has researched some aspects of general social measures for preventing juvenile delinquency, enshrined in international regulatory acts and legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany taking into account European standards, which is a priority within the framework of interaction between Ukraine and the EU. It has been noted that the Federal Republic of Germany has a developed model of juvenile justice and youth criminal policy, which serves as an independent direction of the state activity. Some social institutions of society and public organizations have been created, the purpose of which is to further minimize youth crime and overcome the most aggressive its manifestations. The current legislative system for the effective prevention of juvenile delinquency is implemented through the state institutions both at federal level and at the level of lands – subjects of the federation. The youth criminal and legal policy in Germany is structured according to the levels – general national, regional and local. The implementation of such a policy proceeds from the principle of subsidiarity, when the main responsibility, including financial, rests on the most close level to juveniles. Preventive function to prevent crime is the responsibility of specialized assistance services to students. Career guidance programs and the training of young people with further employment enable them to combine education with the provision of workplaces for youth. The authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany actively cooperate with non-governmental organizations at all levels of youth policy implementation. Issues related to juvenile delinquency are regularly monitored by independent experts that creates conditions for the adoption of factored long-term decisions by the competent authorities, taking into account various situational assessments and opportunities for making appropriate corrections in the future. Criminological policy of the Federal Republic of Germany to prevent juvenile delinquency determines the search for new forms of influence on adolescents not related to criminal and legal measures. Such forms are elaborated to prevent juvenile delinquency. Particular importance is paid to the preventive and educational work of the police. For the same purpose, the use of the family institution is offered.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Yu. Dziuba


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How To Cite

A. Yu. Dziuba (2017). До питання про загальносоціальні заходи запобігання злочинності неповнолітніх як один із напрямів кримінологічної політики ФРН. Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ, 79(4), 109-116. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-287288