This article concerns the assessment of the Republic of Poland (1918–1939) creation — as a political unit — by Paweł Jasienica — not only an outstanding historical essayist and philosopher of history but also an eyewitne...
This thesis is about the necessity of strong cooperation between Greece and Turkey to solve migration crisis in the European Union. The wave of illegal immigrants to Greece started in 2010. Migrants come to Greece trough...
EP ID EP258731
DOI 10.12775/HiP.2011.037
Views 67
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How To Cite
Arkadiusz Lewandowski (2011). Dominika Sozańska, Chrześcijańska demokracja w Polsce, Kraków 2011. Historia i Polityka, 0(6),
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This article concerns the assessment of the Republic of Poland (1918–1939) creation — as a political unit — by Paweł Jasienica — not only an outstanding historical essayist and philosopher of history but also an eyewitne...
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