Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 16
Статья посвящена исследованию состояния экономического и социального развития Донецкой области в условиях политического противостояния. Проведен анализ деятельности промышленности, строительства, транспорта, малого и среднего бизнеса и т.д., а также внешнеэкономических связей и предоставление услуг в последние годы. Сделаны выводы и даны направления решения проблем на данном этапе развития экономики региона. The article is devoted to the study of the state of economic and social development of the Donetsk region in the context of political confrontation. The analysis of the activities of industry, construction, transport, small and medium businesses, etc., as well as foreign economic relations and the provision of services in recent years. Conclusions and directions for solving problems at this stage of development of the regional economy are given. During 2017, the implementation of the tasks and activities of the Program of Economic and Social Development of the Donetsk region for 2017 was ensured. The tasks and activities of the Program were carried out in four directions, which are coordinated with the strategic priorities of the region: - assistance in stabilization of the economic situation in the region; - promoting social development and justice; - development of an environment that is safe for human life; - improving the efficiency of socio-economic development of territories. In fact, during this period, 390 events worth 6200.0 million UAH were implemented from all sources of financing. But, at the same time, the total volume of industrial production in comparable prices decreased by 12.4% compared with 2016 (the Program provides an increase of 4.0%). As the analysis shows, production volumes decreased in many types of activities. The decline occurred in the production and distribution of electricity - by 29.9%, production of coke, refined products - by 22.1%, mining and quarrying - by 15.1%, metallurgy - by 7.9%, production of chemicals and chemical products - by 7.6%. At the same time, the volume of production grew in machine building - by 6.5%, light industry - by 23.7% Thus, in relation to the implementation of the Program and the general improvement of the state of socio-economic development of the region under the sustainable development scenario, it is necessary to establish a peaceful life and gradually move to a political process of normalizing the life of the region and the whole country. Moreover, it is not possible under any circumstances to allow de-industrialization of Donbass and Ukraine in general, but rather to develop neo-industrialization at a new level of technologies, which are quite a lot at the level of scientific developments and, to a certain extent, already implemented in the real economy, such as, the FEZ, TPD, Euroregions.
Authors and Affiliations
Ю. В. Макогон
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