Dotyk w poradnikach medycznych i paramedycznych – spojrzenie językoznawcze
Journal Title: Językoznawstwo - Year 2016, Vol 10, Issue
The article shows how the 'touch' concept is presented in culture and communication. This phenomenon has not been the subject of lingual studies yet, however it has been only a few articles about this. The sense of touch plays an important role in contemporary world. It comes to be the most important way to build doctor-patient relation. The purpose of this text is to show the material extracted from old medical guides (ninetieth/twentieth centuries) which presents ‘tactile’ communication between doctor and patient, techniques and ways of cure, describes the doctor-patient contact, and analysis of this material. Cognitive classification of speech acts was helpful in to show, which directive acts are present in old medical guides (e.g. prohibitions, commands, manual procedure). First of all there are obliging acts in the pragmalingual analysis. It is worth noting that in the material show directive acts too. These acts cause pressure to recipient and have to get to do something by him (e.g. a lot of prohibitions, commands and also manual procedure of touch of the patient).
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Dombrowski
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