Dovoljno dokaza o krivici kao uslov za prihvatanje sporazuma o priznanju krivice - Existence of the Sufficient Evidence of the Guilt as a Condition for Accepting a Plea Bargain
Journal Title: Godisnjak Fakulteta pravnih nauka - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 7
There is no one criminal procedure legislation which accepts the plea bargain in which it is not under the control of the court. In order to be accepted by a court, it has to meet certain conditions. Those conditions are always more or less expressly provided. The law on criminal procedure effective in Bosnia and Herzegovina specifically provide conditions which a plea bargain has to meet in order to be accepted by a court Those conditions are always more or less expressly provided. The issue of the conditions which a plea bargain has to meet in order to be accepted by a court. The issue of the conditions which a plea bargain has to meet in order to be accepted is one of its most important questions. A special place among them belongs to the condition which is generally accepted and under which required that the evidence submitted with a plea bargain has to meet certain standards regarding the quality and quantity. There is no criminal procedure legislation which is the admission of the guilt by the defendant in a plea bargain is enough without any other evidence. In the criminal procedure legislation of Bosnia and Herzegovina this condition is established as the existence of the sufficient evidence ot the guilty of the defendant. The question when this condition is met is tried to be answered in this paper. Ne postoji ni jedno krivičnoprocesno zakonodavstvo koje poznaje sporazum o priznanju krivice u kome on ne podliježe kontroli suda. Da bi ga sud prihvatio on mora da ispuni određene uslove. Ti uslovi su uvijek manje ili više potpuno izričito predviđeni. Zakoni o krivičnom postupku koji se primjenjuju u Bosni i Hercegovini taksativno nabrajaju uslove koje sporazum o priznanju krivice mora da ispuni da bi ga sud prihvatio. Pitanje uslova koje sporazum mora da ispuni da bi bio prihvaćen je jedno od njegovih najznačajnih pitanja. Među njima posebno mjesto zauzima onaj, koji je opšteprihvaćen, po kome se traži da dokazi dostavljeni uz sporazum moraju ispuniti određene standarde koji se tiču njihovog kvaliteta i kvantiteta. Ne postoji ni jedno krivičnoprocesno zakonodavstvo u kome je dovoljno samo priznanje optuženog u sporazumu o priznanju krivice bez drugih dokaza. U krivičnoprocesnim zakonodavstvima u Bosni i Hercegovini je ovaj uslov određen kao postojanje dovoljno dokaza o krivici optuženog. U radu se pokušava odgovoriti na pitanje kada je on ispunjen.
Authors and Affiliations
Radenko Janković
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