Działalność Towarzystwa Literatów Ludowych w zakresie promocji literatury ludowej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym

Journal Title: Prace Literaturoznawcze - Year 2013, Vol 1, Issue 1


The aim of the article is the activity of literary folk societies. In this article uses unpublished archival material. The Writers' Association of People was founded in 1922 in Ostrowiec. In the first texts emphasized the issue of promotion folk culture. The main activists were: Władysław Kołodziej, Donat Lesiowski, Kachna Łęczynianka-Lesiowska, Jantek z Bugaja. Lesiowski proposed that the writers have spoken to the people, how they understand and how they see the future of folk literature. The Society has been supported by numerous published writings folk. Just bring titles such as: „Ogniwo”, „Twórczość Młodej Polski”, „Siew Wolności”, „Wieś – Jej Pieśń”, „Lirnik”, „Placówka”, wileńskie „Słowo”, Źródła Mocy”, „Nasz Kraj”, „Wieś”, „Chłopska Wiosna”, „Lirnik Wioskowy”, „Zagon”, „Promień”, „Okolica Poetów”. They represented various literary previews and match the different political options. Writers try to advertise what was most relevant to them. Their social and literary activity certainly deserves attention. The author of the article concentrates on the difficulties encountered in the authors at the time of the promotion of literature and folk culture.

Authors and Affiliations

Anita Frankowiak


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How To Cite

Anita Frankowiak (2013). Działalność Towarzystwa Literatów Ludowych w zakresie promocji literatury ludowej w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym. Prace Literaturoznawcze, 1(1), -.