E-administration in Poland – main assumptions, current state and development perspectives
Journal Title: Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania - Year 2014, Vol 9, Issue 1
Nowadays, ICT Technology (Information and Communication Technologies) is omnipresent in every part of the private, social, economic and public life and keeps on its transforming. The article presents the ICT’ impact on functioning public administration. Before doing the research, authors formulated two basic hypotheses:1. ICT provides a tool capabilities to improve working activities of public administration offices.2. Current status of the use of ICT by polish administration neither reflects the technological capabilities nor needs reported by interested holders.The article explains the essence of e-administration and identifies the basic benefits that can be achieved by implementing modern ICT solutions in units of public administration and local government. Furthermore, the article presents the assumptions (regarding the development of e-administration)which are included in the action plans of the European Union and which are related to strategic assumptions of the state computerization program which is currently being implemented in Poland. The article concludes with the analysis of the case study, which shows the use of technology ICT in Warsaw Bemowo District Office.
Authors and Affiliations
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