In all kinds of ways the idea of judgement has fallen under suspicion in recent
times, and opportunities to exercise it have become fewer. It has suffered from being
confused with judgmentalism, and from the assumption t...
This paper explores the notion of compassion and points to some intricacies
inherent in it, in particular the paradox of egocentrism. Most ambiguous is its ontological
status: is it an emotion, a virtue, a moral commitme...
In her paper the author points to the impoverishment of the popular and policy
discourse on good parenting and highlights a glaring absence of the moral dimension and
moral language in the debate. This fact unveils a som...
Judgement calls: the ethics of educational deliberation
In all kinds of ways the idea of judgement has fallen under suspicion in recent times, and opportunities to exercise it have become fewer. It has suffered from being confused with judgmentalism, and from the assumption t...
Editor’s Introduction
Educating compassionate beings
This paper explores the notion of compassion and points to some intricacies inherent in it, in particular the paradox of egocentrism. Most ambiguous is its ontological status: is it an emotion, a virtue, a moral commitme...
Tough love and character education. Reflections on some contemporary notions of good parenting
In her paper the author points to the impoverishment of the popular and policy discourse on good parenting and highlights a glaring absence of the moral dimension and moral language in the debate. This fact unveils a som...