Education through art: an artist at school
Journal Title: Edukacyjna Analiza Transakcyjna - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue
In modern education, teaching through art and experience is substituting learning by memorization. An example is provided by activities conducted by artists in Polish schools, where art and learning meet (according to STEAM Theory). The Art of Engagement belongs to new educational trends, where creative activities and art lead to acquisition of knowledge and skills in various areas. As a result of experiences of one of the resident artists and a group of teenagers from the Youth Sociotherapy Centre No. 8 in Radość, a certain model of cooperation between an artist and the school has been developed. It is consistent with new trends in pedagogy and it has been presented in this article. The aim of the described activities is an introduction of connective and creative methods into the education system by an artist-educator. These methods have led the participants to ego states cooperation.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Minchberg
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