Edukacja włączająca uczniów niepełnosprawnych – aktualne wyzwania

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 4


The article discusses the issue of inclusive education of students with disabilities in the context of challenges associated with the implementation of the idea of inclusion. Discussing the categories of special educational needs and development of students with disabilities, the author analyses the place of a student with a disability in the education system, and the possible implementation model of education (from segregation, through integration, till inclusion). Analyses of inclusive education conditions indicate the broad context of the challenges associated with their implementation. The new perspective, focused on the optimizing the educational process of all students, requires significant changes in thinking about education and its objectives, but also modifying the content, concepts, structures and strategies. The key task of inclusive education is to transform the educational system in its program and organization in order to respond to the various needs of students and provide them opportunity of realizing their individual potential. Effective implementation of inclusive education should be based on the teachers comprehensive preparation, developing their skills and competences of responsible action in the area. Teachers are not the only elements in the process of inclusive school development, but they are part of a wider system discussed in the article.

Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Szpak


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  • EP ID EP301253
  • DOI 10.21784/ZC.2017.022
  • Views 72
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How To Cite

Agnieszka Szpak (2017). Edukacja włączająca uczniów niepełnosprawnych – aktualne wyzwania. Zeszyty Naukowe Zbliżenia Cywilizacyjne, 0(4), 12-45.