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Journal Title: Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 0
The main purpose of the text is to widely introduce a book written by Mateusz Skucha entitled Niesytość pragnienia. W kręgu młodopolskiej liryki kobiet (Hungriness of desire. In the circle of Young Poland lyric of women, Kraków 2016), a reliable monograph. Its author presents the works of selected poets of Young Poland as an important part of literary history of the whole epoch. By applying critical-feminist tools, Skucha creates convincing interpretations, proving that the genres used by the authors and the scope of the discussed topics, all enrich the space of Polish poetry as such.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Pekaniec
Twórczość Franciszka Dionizego Kniaźnina w kontekście komparatystycznym. Pomysły i kwestie otwarte
The leading question of this working sketch is how to grasp different styles of composing and ordering poems in Franciszek Dionizy Kniaźnin’s five poetry volumes (1779–1796), and how to create reasonable links between th...
Książę Michał Twerski. Rosyjski awatar Juliusza Słowackiego
In “Książe Michał Twerski” (“Prince Michael of Tver”), one of his final, unfinished plays, Juliusz Słowacki draws from the history of Medieval Russia. Aside from “Agezylausz” (“Agesilaus”), it is his only play not set in...
Wiktor Gomulicki wciąż poznawany. Rec.: „Wiktor Gomulicki znany i nieznany”, pod red. Bogdana Burdzieja i Andrzeja Stoffa, Toruń 2012 (
Wiktor Gomulicki: Still Unknown. Review of: Wiktor Gomulicki: Known and Unknown, edited by Bogdan Burdziej and Andrzej Stoff, Toruń 2012 The paper is a review of the collaborative publication entitled Wiktor Gomulicki: K...
Kupiec i miłość. Imagologiczne spojrzenie na „Amerykanina” Henry’ego Jamesa i „Lalkę” Bolesława Prusa
The article presents a comparative imagological analysis of the main characters in the James’ “The American” (Christopher Newman) and Prus’ “The Doll” (Stanisław Wokulski). By using the aforementioned methodology, the au...
(„Sita” Jana Kasprowicza – (nie)jednoznaczne zwycięstwo miłości
The purpose of this article is to present the importance of Indian inspirations in “Sita. Indyjski hymn miłości” (“Sita. The Indian Hymn of Love”) written by one of the most influential artists of Young Poland: Jan Kaspr...