Effect of Blue and Red Spectrum Led Irradiation on Immunocytokine State at Purulent-Inflammatory Processes (Experimental Research)
Journal Title: Український журнал медицини, біології та спорту - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 4
Despite the progress in development and improvement of the existing therapy methods of purulent- inflammatory processes, this problem remains the foreground in modern biology and medicine. The antimicrobial therapy with the use of incoherent LED irradiation is one of the perspective trends for solving this problem. That is why the aim of the given work was the study of immune and cytokine states peculiarities under the effect of blue and red spectrum LED irradiation and complex application with antimicrobial preparations at purulent-inflammatory processes. The object and methods of the research. Experimental research conducted on 64 mice of inbred lines ВАLB/cJLacSto. The experiments were carried out according to the national General Ethics Principles for Experiments on Animals (Ukraine, 2001) which are agreed upon by the principles of European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (Strasbourg, 18.03.1986). The immune-morphological research was conducted on the paraffin sections with thickness of 5-6 μm by the indirect method of Kuns according to Brosman technology. Immune cells were differentiated by means of monoclonal antibodies to different cell types of Serotec Company. The number of cytokines cells producer was calculated within sight of ×400. The results of the research and its consideration. Analyzing the dynamics of phagocytic number of neutrophils indices and their absorbency under the effect of blue and red spectrum LED irradiation per se and in complex with novapim it was stated that in experimental groups animals with inflammatory focus processed by antiseptic preparation and irradiation by blue LED, the integral phagocytosis indices did not practically differ from the animal group of positive control. Under fluorescent study of preparations stained by acridine orange it was stated that after interaction with antigens in vitro, neutrophils formed extracellular grid-like structures which were well visualized. They can trap both latex specks and any antigen more effectively than a living cell. Thus, bacterial agents stimulate the formation of extracellular traps while neutrophil loses vitality but continues to perform a protective function. As a result of study it was stated that animals’ general immunity state in experimental groups was accompanied by pronounced lowering of the content of separate subpopulation of these cells: the number of all studied subpopulations of T-lymphocytes with differentiation markers CD3+, CD4+, CD11+, CD18+ was reliably lowered. Along with Т-system oppression the increase of the number of CD22+ В-lymphocytes is marked. This fact can be considered key receptors stimulating the signal passage during antigen stimulation. Analyzing the subpopulation composition of lymphocytes the state of killer site can be marked: CD8+ number lowering. Analyzing the effect of complex therapy with the use of LED irradiation it should be mentioned that all groups showed the renewal of the immunity cell site. The best indices were fixed in groups with inflammatory focus irradiation by red LED. In the cytokine status determining it was stated that the reliable increase of IL-1β concentrations in infected animals was fixed both in blood serum and in tissues, and TNF-a was compared with the control group, and the level of the anti-inflammatory IL-4 interleukin was reliably lowered. The carried out research of the inflammatory focus content allowed the establishing the fact that among inflammatory infiltrate cells the population of cells-producers of anti-inflammatory IL-1β cytokine increased while under the effect of blue light the number of these cells decreased; the anti-inflammatory reaction increased under the effect of red light but complex application of blue and red LEDs with novapim blocked the antiinflammatory reaction and relieved the antigen load. Conclusions. Thus, in complex application of antimicrobial preparations and LED irradiation on the inflammatory focus after antiseptic preparation processing the organism’s immune state is characterized by sufficient lowering of the inflammatory processes level emphasis and leads to the renewal of the character of both local and general immune reactions with adequate correlation of its main sites.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Dubovyk, M. Mishyna
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