Effects of environmental changes and human impact on the functioning of mountain river channels, Carpathians, southern Poland
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2015, Vol 47, Issue 3
In the northern slope of the Carpathian Mountains and in their foreland, river and stream channels have been significantly transformed by human impact. These transformations result from changing land use in river basins and direct interference with river channels (alluvia extraction, engineering infrastructure, channel straightening). Anthropogenic impacts cause significant changes in the channel system patterns leading to increased impact of erosion. This mainly leads to the channeling of the fluvial system. This article reviews studies of structure and dynamics of Carpathian river channels conducted based on the methodology of collection of data on channel systems, developed in the Department of Geomorphology of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management, Jagiellonian University.
Authors and Affiliations
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