Екологічна оцінка вмісту Плюмбуму та Кадмію в рослинному опаді та ґрунтах Яворівського національного природного парку / Environmental assessment of Plumbum and Cadmium in plant litter and soil of the Yavoriv National Natural Park


Recently, as a result of the industrial heavy metal pollution of the environment, the facts of acute and chronic toxic effect manifestations have become more frequent. Therefore, it is important to study the accumulation processes of two most toxic pollutants, namely: plumbum and cadmium, in the tree waste, the upper and lower forest floor as well as the soils of the Yavoriv National Natural Park. The conducted studies have shown that the plumbum concentration in the plant litter of the Yavoriv NNP varies widely enough and can reach up to 11,4 mg/kg. Its concentration was a little lower in the upper and lower forest floor and was respectively 5,8–8,3 and 4,8–8,0 mg/kg of dry weight. Significant plumbum variations were recorded in the soil samples where the concentration of this element ranged from 17,0 to 30,0 mg/kg. The accumulation of plumbum in the upper forest floor depends on a forest site type. The plumbum concentration in the upper floor is much higher in the pine forest than in the leafy forest. A reverse trend of the plumbum accumulation is observed in the lower forest floor. Depending on a type of mesorelief the plumbum concentration in the investigated substrates is as follows: the highest concentration in the plant litter is observed in the lowered areas, upper and lower floors on the plateau. The lowest plumbum concentration in the upper and lower floor is observed on a slope, and the highest concentration is in the litter in the lowered areas. A similar trend is observed in the plumbum accumulation in soils. The cadmium concentration in the plant litter ranges from 0,3 to 0,9 mg/kg. Its content was slightly lower in the upper and lower forest floor. The amount of this element in the soil samples ranged from 3,5 to 9,9 mg/kg. Depending on the type of mesorelief the cadmium concentration in the studied substrates is as follows: the highest concentration in the litter is observed in the lowered areas, upper and lower floors on the plateau, whereas the lowest cadmium concentration in the litter of the upper and lower floor is observed on slopes. A similar trend is observed in the cadmium accumulation in soils.

Authors and Affiliations

Volodymyr Snitynskyi, Petro Khirivskyі, Yuriy Korinets


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  • EP ID EP672201
  • DOI 10.31734/agronomy2019.01.005
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How To Cite

Volodymyr Snitynskyi, Petro Khirivskyі, Yuriy Korinets (2019). Екологічна оцінка вмісту Плюмбуму та Кадмію в рослинному опаді та ґрунтах Яворівського національного природного парку / Environmental assessment of Plumbum and Cadmium in plant litter and soil of the Yavoriv National Natural Park. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 23(), 5-10. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-672201