Економічна ефективність вирощування гібридів кукурудзи в умовах зрошення Південного Степу України / The economic efficiency of growing a hybrid of corn under conditions of irrigation of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine


The article presents the results of experimental studies on the reaction of promising domestic hybrids of maize of various ripeness groups to the timing of sowing and the density of standing during cultivation on the irrigated lands of the steppe zone of the south of Ukraine. The maximum yield of corn grain, on average for 2014–2016 – 13,69 t/ha formed the mid-season hybrid Kakhovskiу with the second term of sowing and the density of standing 70 thousand units/ha. In the early Tendrа hybrid, the highest productivity – 10,96 t/ha was established at the second sowing period and the standstill of 90 thousand pcs/ha. The mid-range hybrid Skadovskiy produced the highest yield of 11,92 t/ha at the second sowing season and the density of standing of 90 thousand pieces/ha. It has been established that the productivity and economic indicators of maize cultivation are influenced by the group of maturity of the hybrid, the duration of sowing and the density of standing. According to the results of the analysis of economic indicators of cultivation of maize hybrids for 2014–2016, the largest value of gross output from 1 hectare was 43,8 thousand UAH/ha was obtained on the Kakhovskiу hybrid crops at sowing in the third decade of April and the density of standing 70 thousand pieces. This option also established the lowest cost per ton of grain – 1779 UAH/t. The cost of gross output per hectare for all sowing periods and different plant densities was the maximum for the Kakhovskii hybrid and amounted to 37,7 to 43,8 thousand UAH/t, according to the experiment variants, somewhat smaller in the Skadovskii hybrid – 32,8–38,1 thousand UAH/t, and the smallest in the Tendra hybrid, which amounted to 31,9–35,1 thousand UAH/t. The minimum cost price of 1 ton of grain was found in the mid-season hybrid of maize Kakhovsky – 1779 UAH/t at sowing in the third decade of April and density of standing 70 thousand pieces/ha. The highest level of profitability – 80 % was established at the sowing of the Kakhovsky hybrid in the third decade of April and the density of standing of 70 thousand pieces/ha.

Authors and Affiliations

R. A. Vozhegova, A. M. Vlaschuk, O. Drobit


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How To Cite

R. A. Vozhegova, A. M. Vlaschuk, O. Drobit (2018). Економічна ефективність вирощування гібридів кукурудзи в умовах зрошення Південного Степу України / The economic efficiency of growing a hybrid of corn under conditions of irrigation of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Вісник Львівського національного аграрного університету. Агрономія, 22(), 253-259. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-564682