Ekonomiczne a normatywne ujęcie elementów polskiego systemu finansowego
Journal Title: Studia Ekonomiczne, Prawne i Administracyjne - Year 2015, Vol 1, Issue 1
The article contains a discussion of the elements of the Polish financial system in the economic and normative approach. The analysis of this system is difficult because of the lack of a coherent conceptual apparatus. Not all key concepts are defined by the law, and the definitions introduced are often ambiguous and poorly adapted to the terms already existing and well-established in the economic literature. In the basic terminology of financial law, therefore, there are gaps, what is more, some concepts are not uniform in all the legal meaning. This creates considerable difficulties of interpretation by obscuring, rather than clearing, the picture of the financial system in the normative sense. (original abstract)
Authors and Affiliations
Urszula Kosterna
Ekonomiczne a normatywne ujęcie elementów polskiego systemu finansowego
The article contains a discussion of the elements of the Polish financial system in the economic and normative approach. The analysis of this system is difficult because of the lack of a coherent conceptual apparatus. No...
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