Elektroforeza swobodna z przepływem hydrodynamicznym : podstawy teoretyczne i rozwiązania techniczne
Journal Title: Wiadomości Chemiczne - Year 2018, Vol 72, Issue 1
Free flow electrophoresis, or carrier-free electrophoresis, is a technique based upon the principle of mobility of chargeable species in the electric field. However, unlike more widespread gel electrophoresis, free flow electrophoresis does not utilise any kind of solid support medium. Instead, species to be separated move within the space filled with aqueous buffer, which is constantly pumped in the direction perpendicular to the direction of the applied electric field. Such set-up allows for continuous separation, as compounds of the sample being processed form separate bands and leave the separation system through several different outlets located along the edge of the chamber. Furthermore, the use of mild separation conditions increases the chance of biologically active compounds retaining their activity after the separation is finished. These qualities make free flow electrophoresis an excellent tool for protein research and cytology. In this review, the basic theoretical aspects of the technique are outlined, with a special emphasis placed on various modes in which free flow electrophoresis can be operated. Besides, a review of milestone papers related to free flow electrophoresis technology is presented. Apart from the devices following the original concept of Barrollier and Hannig, an insight into the construction of recirculating instrumentation, multicompartment electrolysers as well as radially-symmetric chambers is provided. A special focus is placed on patents and commercialized solutions. Finally, the challenges of scaling-down free flow electrophoresis to micro-dimensions are introduced.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Hoda, Beata Polak, Tadeusz Dzido
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