Eliminating The Doupts in The Matter of How to Use Index Finger During The Sitting Position of Salaah
Journal Title: Trabzon İlahiyat Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 2
This is the translation of the booklet named “Ref‘u’t-tereddüt fî akdi’l-esâbi‘ inde’t-teşehhüd me‘a zeyliha” which takes part in the Muhammed Emîn İbn Âbidîn’s work named Mecmûatu Resâili İbn Âbidîn.In this text, İbn Abidin discusses the opinions about juridical rules on holding the fore finger while readıng “eşhedü en lâilâhe illâllâh” at the sitting position in the pray.The reason for the writing of this booklet is, in the terms of İbn Abidin, Hanefis’ practice of “holding the fore finger without closing other fingers” in the pray. This practice is unsuitable with the opinions of “mezheb”. In this text, İbn Abidin talks about discussions in Hanefite school about the subject. Besides, he tries to base his opinion on the important sources in Hanefite school. At the end of the booklet, he gives place to a broad summary of text of Molla Ali el-Kârî (ö.1014/1605) named as “Tezyînü’l-ibâre li-tahsîni’l-işâre” as an appendix.
Authors and Affiliations
şenol saylan, yusuf yiğit
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