Enhancing Security of Personal Health Records in Cloud Computing by Encryption
Journal Title: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 4
Efficient Management of Hospital data and correct maintenance of Patient Health Record (PHR)’s is a significant challenge. With online PHR, patient can manage their own medical records in an efficient way. The most important thing to be considered in this is the security of data which can be done efficiently by storing PHR’s using Cloud Computing. Even though cloud data storage provides an important aspect of quality of service in terms of security in this paper PHR’s are encrypted using RSA Algorithm before it is been stored to the cloud environment. In this paper, the Hospital Management System (HMS) is divided into four modules which include admin, patient, hospital and doctor modules all of which acts in coordination for proper working of Hospital Management System. In order to achieve scalable and secure data access controls of the PHR’s the complete control of the PHR is given to that patient itself. In this system, the users who all can access the PHR’s are divided into multiple security domains like the Health Care domain, the public domain which greatly reduces key management complexity for the patient and users of PHR. The advantage of the methodology used is that even real time service from doctors can be obtained for patient by referring the PHR of the patient online.
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