Enlighten the Role of Diet and Lifestyle in Prevention of Amlapitta


Amlapitta is the burning issue in present era, commonly occurs due to change in dietary habits, intake of spicy and oily foods, alcohol consumption, irregular sleeping habits, and persistent mental stress and strain. Hurry, Worry and Curry are the three major reasons for this disease. It can be cured with simple medications but the condition may relapse by observing faulty lifestyle. For prevention and control of Amlapitta not only the physiological functions of the body should be in balanced state but the mental function should also be well functioning. Hence the holistic approach must be applied to grab this problem, by the intake of wholesome diet, healthy daily routine, practice of Yoga like kunjal kriya, asana and pranayama, and avoidance of unwholesome diet, tobacco chewing, and alcohol consumption etc. Hence as the saying goes “Prevention is better than cure”, Amlapitta could be prevented by the avoidance of causative factors along with observance of wholesome diet and lifestyle.

Authors and Affiliations

Vineeta Singh, Neeru Nathani


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Vineeta Singh, Neeru Nathani (2018). Enlighten the Role of Diet and Lifestyle in Prevention of Amlapitta. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 0(0), 1-9. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-365474