Estimation of the influence of bone defects’ dimensions on the healing outcome – 1-year observations
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2010, Vol 63, Issue 6
Introduction: The bone defect dimension is one of the most frequently mentioned local factors limiting the regenerative processes after apical surgery. Extensive defects usually heal through the reparation mechanisms connected with scar tissue formation. As the process aims at the structural and functional bone restoration it is important to qualify the defect’s dimension when it fills with new, correct bone tissue.Aim of the study: To assess the influence of bone defects’ dimensions on the healing outcome 6 and 12 months postoperatively.Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 25 patients (13 women and 12 men), with mean age of 38.9 years (ranging from 15 to 60 years), who were treated for chronic periapical lesions in the Oral Surgery Department in Wrocław between 2003-2007. A total of 25 postresection bone defects which had been left to heal spontaneously without bone regeneration techniques were evaluated. The assessment was performed using a modifiedclinico-radiological scale acc. to Gutmann and Harrison.Results: On the basis of intra-group analysis at 6 months postoperatively, a positive correlation between the defects’ widths and the quality of the healing process was observed. When the widths were equal or higher than 7 mm, the differences between the healed and non-healed defects were not statistically significant,butthep=0.0968valuewasthe closest to the p-values of 0.05.Conclusion: This study confirms that the critical size for the defect’s spontaneous regeneration with bone tissue of a correct pattern is the width below 7 mm.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Łysiak -Drwal, Marzena Dominiak, Barbara Malicka, Tomasz Konopka
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