Estimation of the mandible fracture pattern according to retrospective studies with a large amount of studied samples
Journal Title: Клінічна стоматологія - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1
The registration of traumatic mandible lesions even in the structure of retrospective studies is often characterized by insufficient number of investigated cases, which limits the possibilities for the establishment of potentially existing characteristic pattern of fractures with different etiologies. The aim of the study – to analyze the distribution pattern of cases and mechanisms of mandible fracture development with different fracture etiologies, according to the retrospective studies of large numerical primary samples over 1000 patients. Materials and Methods. In the first stage of research, the Google Scholar search engine was used to find out the publications, which purpose was adjacent to the aim of this study. At the second stage, for the detailed analysis were left only those publications, in which the primary number of patients exceeded 1000 persons. As a result, a pre-selected sample managed to reduce up to 8 publications. The content analysis of the latter was carried out by distinguishing the following categories from the structure of their text material: the total number of cases studied the etiology of mandible fractures, the distribution of fracture localizations, and separate detailed fragmentized descriptions that were identified by the authors themselves. Results and Discussion. In all of the analyzed studies, greater prevalence of mandibular fractures among the general population was observed among men; during the analysis of the samples due to the etiology of mandible fractures, the higher proportion of such because of interpersonal conflicts was recorded among men, due to the falling accidents – among women. In cases of mandible fractures after traffic accidents, differences in gender distribution in some studies showed statistically significance, but in other studies statistically proven differences could not be established, indicating that the prevalence of road traffic-associated mandible fractures among males and females is not gender-determined, and depends on a greater extent of the traffic accident components as a whole. Conclusions. As a result of a research devoted to the estimation of mandible fractures patterns by the results of retrospective studies with a large volume of primary sample over 1000 patients, it was found that the predominant cause of traumatic mandible lesions is interpersonal conflicts, road accidents and falls, and peak prevalence of mandible fractures is marked at the third decade of life, after which the prevalence rates begin to decrease. Road traffic accidents also were more often associated with multiple traumatic fractures of the mandible in comparison with the fall and interpersonal conflicts as causes of injury. For further analysis of the relationship between changes in dental status and patterns of mandible fractures, it is advisable to carry out research aimed at assessing the relative risk of adjacent lesions in cases of mandible fractures with different etiologies and localization.
Authors and Affiliations
P. P. Brechlychuk, M. Y. Goncharuk-Khomyn
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Estimation of the mandible fracture pattern according to retrospective studies with a large amount of studied samples
The registration of traumatic mandible lesions even in the structure of retrospective studies is often characterized by insufficient number of investigated cases, which limits the possibilities for the establishment of p...