Ethnographer in guests / Etnograf w gościach
Journal Title: Etnografia. Praktyki. Teorie. Doświadczenia / Ethnography. Practices, Theories, Experiences - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 3
Review: Adam Pisarek (2016). Gościnność polska. O kulturowych konkretyzacjach idei. Katowice: grupa, ss. 264
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Gańko
Nagie życie. Co różni pomoc od przemocy
Recenzja: Maciej Ząbek (2018) . Uchodźcy w Afryce. Etnografia przemocy i cierpienia. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
Inchatoshi, ivenki, ivinishi – plants from the forest and the garden. An introduction to the research on medical ethnobotany among indigenous Asháninka people from the Peruvian Amazon / Inchatoshi, ivenki, ivinishi – rośliny z lasu i ogrodu. Wprowadzenie do problematyki badań z zakresu etnobotaniki medycznej wśród Indian Asháninka z Amazonii peruwiańskiej
Asháninka indigenous people from the Tambo river region in Peruvian Amazon are the largest group of the Arawak linguistic family in Peru. They are renowned for their long trajectory of horticulture and their preference t...
Writing a life out. An ethnographic meeting with Waleria Prochownik – a writer from Sporysz district of Żywiec / Wypisywanie życia. Etnograficzne spotkanie z Walerią Prochownik – pisarką z żywieckiego Sporysza
“What is writing to Waleria Prochownik?” was the leading question for hours of conversation between me and the writer from Żywiec. The following paper is the outcome of our struggle to confront the writer’s views and fee...
The Inter-University Anthropology Conference – Anthropology in the eyes of beginner researchers / Międzyuczelniana Konferencja Antropologiczna – antropologia w oczach młodych adeptów
Clifford Geertz noted that anthropology is the art of writing. Anthropological knowledge reinforces forging of one’s own field experience in the narrative about this experience. One possible form of this narrative is an...
Drunken speech: A glimpse into the backstage of sociality in Western Amazonia
This paper engages notions on sociality by Spanish speaking descendants of Panoan Capanahua from Peru, as revealed in one aspect of social practice. Speaking while inebriated, members of this small Western Amazonian popu...