Evaluation of ventral hernia laparoscopic repair – first results
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2011, Vol 24, Issue 1
Ventral hernias may affect up to 10% of the population, and incisional hernias occur up to 20% of patients. A growing number of professionals support laparoscopis treatment of abdominal hernias. The following factors are in favor of laparoscopic operations: shorter hospitalization, lower percentage of surgical site infections, less pain in the postoperative period. Recurrence rate in such operations does not exceed 5%. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of the first patients operated with laparoscopic IPOM (intraperitoneal on-lay mesh) technique. From February to December 2009, 11 patients (5 women, 6 men) with abdominal hernias (10 incisional hernias and 1 umbilical hernia) were operated. The average age was 65.7 years. The average size of the hernia was 77.5 cm2, while the average mesh size was 387 cm2. Average operation time was 125 minutes (40 to 180 minutes). Average hospitalization (counting from the day of operation) was 3.45 days (from 2 to 7). One conversion to laparotomy was done due to small bowel injury. One patient was reoperated on 12 postoperative day due to early recurrence of hernia having a bowel loop carcerated under the mesh. One patient experienced wound suppuration. The average follow-up was 12 months. In the referred group, there was no seroma located in the wound, and with an exeption of a reoperated patient there were no recurrences. Laparoscopic IPOM treatment of ventral hernia is an effective method. Further own research and observation a constantly growing number of operated patients will be evaluated in subsequent papers.
Authors and Affiliations
Aleksander Grous, Wiesław Tarnowski
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