Eye-tracking research on solving mathematical text-based problems

Journal Title: Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 1


Neurodidactics is a new interdisciplinary research branch dealing with mechanisms of learning and teaching process. Activity of human brain during solving problems, exercises provided in the word-based form is reflected by, among others, movement of eyeballs. Recording of eye movements is, inter alia, conducted by eye tracking (oculography). Just like one can differentiate between various types of intelligence we are able to determine various learning styles. Thus a question arises whether students taught by the same teacher will apply the same sequence of doing mathematical operations or they will rather use figures presented in the task in the order they appear in the text. A research was conducted on a group of 30 students of the fifth grade of primary school. With the use of specially developed software for this study, taking measurements with the application of an eye tracker, eye movement was being monitored while solving a simple maths problem. As a result of the research, a predominant manner of solving basic problems cannot be determined. The same student applied different ways of solving similar tasks.

Authors and Affiliations

Jan Rajmund Paśko Paśko, Patrycja Banaś


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How To Cite

Jan Rajmund Paśko Paśko, Patrycja Banaś (2017). Eye-tracking research on solving mathematical text-based problems. Problemy Współczesnej Pedagogiki, 3(1), 7-23. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-318370