Factors of influence on the development of organic land use under the conditions of marital law
Journal Title: Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring" - Year 2023, Vol 38, Issue 2
The importance of increasing the pace of production of organic products has been proven, since traditional technologies used in the production of agricultural products significantly disrupt the natural balance and cause significant environmental problems (disruption in ecosystem chains, environmental pollution, man-made pollution caused by military actions, deterioration of people's health). It was found that a number of highly developed countries that cooperate with Ukraine on various projects and programs are involved in this process. An in-depth study of the field of organic land use in Ukraine under the conditions of military operations made it possible to identify existing problems and assess their impact on the development of this segment of activity. A number of restraining factors affecting the development of organic land use have been identified, one of the determining factors being the creation of an appropriate institutional environment. The need for the development of land management projects regarding the organization of organic land use territory is substantiated. Incentives are presented as motivating factors for both consumers and producers of organic products (incentive payments to economic entities, introduction of free pricing for manufactured products, introduction of preferential taxation and preferential loans, obtaining the possibility of conducting certification in a remote format, etc.) despite the military situation in the country Potential factors for development and development of organic land use are also proposed. The given triad of factors can be implemented logically and sequentially and to a large extent simultaneously.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Dorosh, A. Dorosh
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