Family of nuclear peroxisome proliferator — activated receptors (PPARs): biological role in metabolic adaptation Part III. PPARg in energy homeostasis and formation of metabolic syndrome, hepatosteatosis, cardiovascular conditions and fibrosis (report 1)
Journal Title: Український журнал сучасних проблем токсикології - Year 2017, Vol 77, Issue 1
Objective. Analysis and summary of the current concept of biological role of nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) in the body, that is a transcription factor, simulating the expression of target genes that regulate different chains of adipogenesis, thermogenesis, energy homeostasis, providing balance of glucose and sensitivity of cells to insulin, secretion of adipokines, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fibrotic effects. Materials and methods. Analytical review of scientific publications was performed using abstract databases of scientific libraries and text database of methodological and biological publications PubMed. Results. Biological and physiological role of PPARγ in the body has been established. Its important role in the maintenance of energy homeostasis, hormonal secretion of fatty tissue has been found, as well as anti-proliferative, antioxidative, and anti-fibrotic effects upon its activation have been noticed. It was noted that PPARγ polymorphism or its dysfunction under the exposure to pesticides and other xenobiotics contributes to the formation of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hepatosteatosis, obesity, chronic inflammation, and fibrosis.
Authors and Affiliations
G. M. Balan, N. M. Bubalo, V. O. Bubalo, P. G. Zhminko, V. A. Babych
Through years and events: Journal “Ukrainian Journal of Modern Toxikological Aspects” has been being published for 20 years
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